Name | Last modified | Size | Description | |
Parent Directory | - | |||
Abadi-2016.pdf | 2016-07-01 00:00 | 2.1M | The Tensorflow project | |
Abramson-2024.pdf | 2024-07-01 00:00 | 8.2M | ||
Anderson-1972.pdf | 1972-07-01 00:00 | 930K | Linear associative memory | |
Arjovsky-2017.pdf | 2017-07-01 00:00 | 8.4M | Wasserstein GAN | |
Bai-2022.pdf | 2022-07-01 00:00 | 2.0M | ||
Barwich-2019.pdf | 2019-07-01 00:00 | 717K | The story of Grandmother cells | |
Bau-2017.pdf | 2017-07-01 00:00 | 3.1M | Network feature dissection | |
Baum-1988.pdf | 1988-07-01 00:00 | 1.6M | Feedforward networks as probability models | |
Becker-1989.pdf | 1989-07-01 00:00 | 1.8M | ||
Bergstra-2010.pdf | 2010-07-01 00:00 | 280K | The Theano project | |
Berlucci-2006.pdf | 2006-07-01 00:00 | 199K | Nobel prize to Hubel and Wiesel | |
Brock-2019.pdf | 2019-07-01 00:00 | 10M | BigGAN | |
Brown-2020.pdf | 2020-07-01 00:00 | 6.5M | ||
Bubek-2023.pdf | 2023-07-01 00:00 | 7.0M | ||
Carlini-2017.pdf | 2017-07-01 00:00 | 1.3M | Evaluating adversarial attacks | |
Carpenter-1991.pdf | 1991-07-01 00:00 | 1.6M | Survey of neural networks in 1991 | |
Chintala-2014.pdf | 2014-07-01 00:00 | 295K | Discussion of Weight Initialization | |
Cho-2014.pdf | 2014-07-01 00:00 | 1.1M | ||
Christiano-2017.pdf | 2017-07-01 00:00 | 3.1M | ||
Collobert-2002.pdf | 2002-07-01 00:00 | 242K | The Torch project | |
Dauphin-2014.pdf | 2014-07-01 00:00 | 1.2M | High dimensional nonconvex losses | |
DeBoer-2003.pdf | 2003-07-01 00:00 | 690K | The cross-entropy sampling method | |
Deng-2009.pdf | 2009-07-01 00:00 | 3.3M | The ImageNet data set | |
Dinh-2017.pdf | 2017-07-01 00:00 | 6.4M | Normalizing Flows, Invertible Neural Networks (INN) | |
Doersch-2021.pdf | 2021-07-01 00:00 | 860K | VAE Tutorial | |
Duchi-2011.pdf | 2011-07-01 00:00 | 301K | The AdaGrad optimizer | |
Erhan-2009.pdf | 2009-07-01 00:00 | 2.0M | ||
Frosst-Hinton-2023.mp4 | 2023-07-01 00:00 | 6.1M | ||
Frostig-2018.pdf | 2018-07-01 00:00 | 619K | ||
Fukushima-1980.pdf | 1980-07-01 00:00 | 1.1M | ||
Glorot-2011.pdf | 2011-07-01 00:00 | 1.0M | Rectified Linear Units | |
Golik-2013.pdf | 2013-07-01 00:00 | 770K | Cross-entropy loss | |
Griewank-1992.pdf | 1992-07-01 00:00 | 1.8M | ||
Griewank-2012.pdf | 2012-07-01 00:00 | 316K | History of autodifferentiation | |
Griewank-2014.pdf | 2014-07-01 00:00 | 301K | ||
Gross-2002.pdf | 2002-07-01 00:00 | 327K | History of the Grandmother Cell story | |
Higgins-2017.pdf | 2017-07-01 00:00 | 33M | Beta-VAE disentangled representations | |
Hinton-1983.pdf | 1983-07-01 00:00 | 654K | Bolzmann machine model of neurons | |
Hinton-1986.pdf | 1986-07-01 00:00 | 4.9M | Distributed representations | |
Hinton-1995.pdf | 1995-07-01 00:00 | 68K | Wake-sleep algorithm | |
Hinton-2006a.pdf | 2006-07-01 00:00 | 618K | Deep belief networks | |
Hinton-2012.pdf | 2012-07-01 00:00 | 1.6M | Dropout preprint | |
Ho-2020.pdf | 2020-07-01 00:00 | 9.8M | Diffusion Models | |
Ho-2022.pdf | 2022-07-01 00:00 | 3.6M | ||
Hoerl-1970.pdf | 1970-07-01 00:00 | 3.2M | Ridge regression, L2 regularization | |
Hopfield-1982.pdf | 1982-07-01 00:00 | 1.2M | Hopfield networks, spin glass model of neurons | |
Hopfield-1987.pdf | 1987-07-01 00:00 | 904K | Feedforward networks as probability models | |
Hornik-1991.pdf | 1991-07-01 00:00 | 1.5M | Universal Approximation | |
HubelWiesel-1962.pdf | 1962-07-01 00:00 | 6.3M | Cat visual cortex, followup paper | |
Hui-2021.pdf | 2021-07-01 00:00 | 821K | Cross-entropy loss | |
Hyvarinen-2009.pdf | 2009-07-01 00:00 | 946K | Topographic independent component analysis | |
Jia-2014.pdf | 2014-07-01 00:00 | 1.4M | The Caffe project | |
Jordan-1986.pdf | 1986-07-01 00:00 | 6.9M | Serial order: recurrent neural networks | |
Jumper-2021.pdf | 2021-07-01 00:00 | 3.5M | ||
Karras-2019.pdf | 2019-07-01 00:00 | 7.1M | StyleGAN | |
Kohonen-1973.pdf | 1973-07-01 00:00 | 384K | Optimal linear associative memory | |
Le-2012.pdf | 2012-07-01 00:00 | 404K | Unsupervised vision from YouTube | |
LeCun-2010.pdf | 2010-07-01 00:00 | 260K | Convolutional network tutorial | |
Lillicrap-2016.pdf | 2016-07-01 00:00 | 648K | Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient | |
Linnainmaa-1976.pdf | 1976-07-01 00:00 | 1.0M | Reverse-mode differentiation | |
Luo-2022.pdf | 2022-07-01 00:00 | 4.8M | ||
Madry-2018.pdf | 2018-07-01 00:00 | 1.2M | Defense against adversarial attack | |
Mikolov-2013a.pdf | 2013-07-01 00:00 | 223K | Word2Vec, Semantic Vector Composition | |
Nair-2010.pdf | 2010-07-01 00:00 | 653K | Rectified Linear Units | |
Nakkiran-2019.pdf | 2019-07-01 00:00 | 8.2M | Deep Double Descent | |
NyTimes-1958.pdf | 1958-07-01 00:00 | 51K | Press account of Rosenblatt | |
Papernot-2017.pdf | 2017-07-01 00:00 | 6.5M | Adversarial attacks | |
Paszke-2019.pdf | 2019-07-01 00:00 | 372K | The PyTorch project | |
Piccinini-2004.pdf | 2004-07-01 00:00 | 219K | History of McCulloch-Pitts | |
Polyak-1964.pdf | 1964-07-01 00:00 | 863K | Momentum and classical optimization tricks | |
Radford-2016.pdf | 2016-07-01 00:00 | 7.1M | Deep Convolutional GAN (DCGAN) | |
Radford-2018a.pdf | 2018-07-01 00:00 | 528K | Autoregressive Generative Pretrained Transformer (GPT) | |
Rafailov-2023.pdf | 2023-07-01 00:00 | 908K | ||
Ramesh-2021.pdf | 2021-07-01 00:00 | 9.7M | Text-to-Image Generation (DALL-E) | |
Ramesh-2022.pdf | 2022-07-01 00:00 | 41M | Diffusion model Text-to-Image Generation (DALL-E 2) | |
Ren-2015.pdf | 2015-07-01 00:00 | 744K | Faster R-CNN | |
Rezende-2015.pdf | 2015-07-01 00:00 | 2.8M | ||
Rezende-2016.pdf | 2016-07-01 00:00 | 2.8M | Normalizing Flows, Invertible Neural Networks (INN) | |
Rifai-2011.pdf | 2011-07-01 00:00 | 262K | Contractive Autoencoders | |
Rosenblatt-1958.pdf | 1958-07-01 00:00 | 1.6M | Perceptron Model | |
Rosenblatt-1961.pdf | 1961-07-01 00:00 | 27M | Principles of Neurodynamics Draft | |
Rosenblatt-1962.pdf | 1962-07-01 00:00 | 17M | Perceptron Learning | |
Schuhmann-2022.pdf | 2022-07-01 00:00 | 1.3M | ||
Selvaraju-2016.pdf | 2016-07-01 00:00 | 6.9M | Grad-CAM salience maps | |
Shulman-2017.pdf | 2017-07-01 00:00 | 2.8M | Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) | |
Spark-Jones-2004.pdf | 2004-07-01 00:00 | 121K | ||
Srivastava-2014.pdf | 2014-07-01 00:00 | 2.7M | Dropout | |
Sundararajan-2017.pdf | 2017-07-01 00:00 | 3.2M | Integrated Gradients salince maps | |
Sutskever-2013.pdf | 2013-07-01 00:00 | 526K | Analysis of Momentum | |
Thoppilan-2022.pdf | 2022-07-01 00:00 | 1.4M | LaMDA Dialog System | |
Tieleman-2012.pdf | 2012-07-01 00:00 | 534K | The RMSProp optimizer | |
Turing-1948.pdf | 1948-07-01 00:00 | 1.8M | Turing's Essay on Intelligent Macinery | |
Turing-1950.pdf | 1950-07-01 00:00 | 484K | Turing's Paper on the Imitation Game | |
Turing-BBC-1951.mp4 | 1951-07-01 00:00 | 30M | ||
VanderOord-2017.pdf | 2017-07-01 00:00 | 3.0M | Vector Quantized VAE (VQ-VAE) | |
Velickovic-2018.pdf | 2018-07-01 00:00 | 1.6M | Graph Attention Networks (GAT) | |
Wei-2022.pdf | 2022-07-01 00:00 | 1.6M | ||
Wei-2022b.pdf | 2024-12-31 14:47 | 871K | ||
Werbos-1981.pdf | 1981-07-01 00:00 | 777K | Backwards methods, an early backpropagation proposal | |
Wurtz-2009.pdf | 2009-07-01 00:00 | 228K | Fifty-year impact of Hubel and Wiesel | |
Xu-2015.pdf | 2015-07-01 00:00 | 3.0M | Show Attend and Tell, Image Captioning | |
Zeiler-2012.pdf | 2012-07-01 00:00 | 524K | ||
Zhang-2019.pdf | 2019-07-01 00:00 | 6.0M | Self-Attention GAN (SAGAN) | |
Zhu-2017.pdf | 2017-07-01 00:00 | 2.6M | CycleGAN unpaired image-to-image | |
Zinkevich-2003.pdf | 2003-07-01 00:00 | 232K | Elegant proof of convergence of SGD |